This is the graph I drew :)
To do the graph I firstly downloaded some graph paper from I found that the cross-stitch graph paper was best to use. This one has 14 squares per inch which was perfect for the height but I did actually have to add another square on each side for the width. Each square was to represent a single crochet and with that in mind I drew out what I wanted the blanket to look like.
I had a little bit of trouble at first with starting the blanket because I had all the colours I needed but black so I went to buy black from the shop and once I got home realised I spent £8 on the wrong type of wool. Instead of double knit I had gone and brought chunky. Well after some moaning and contemplating going to buy yet more black wool in double knit I decided to stick with the chunky as the nights are getting colder and it would keep Pennie extra warm. I brought white and red in chunky but not having much patience for internet buying and not being able to find orange and green in town I decided to double up the double knit I had to make the wool thicker to match the rest of the blanket and having now finished it, you can not tell the wool used for the pumpkin is thinner than the rest.
Starting the blanket, I obviously hadn't learnt my lesson from the last blanket I did...don't use loads of big balls of wool because...
this happens!
And when you try to untangle everything which is surprisingly relaxing, this happens...
Where I had been pulling at the wool to try and untangle everything some of the wool had stretched and the strands were beginning to part. The string to the right looks fine but as you can see the one on the left has got gaps along it.
So lesson being learnt I decided to make some bobbins
They don't look like anything significant, all they are are bits of a cereal box cut up to wrap wool around. I was apprehensive about using them because I hate weaving in ends and I didn't think they looked as if they would hold that much wool but surprisingly they hold quite a bit:
If anyone decides to make these make sure to put in a split at the end of each card because it can be used to hold the strand in place when not in use. If it is not held in place then you still end up with a tangled mess.
So having spent quite sometime sorting out my bobbins my crocheting continued with my two little helpers,cutting up my bobbins and running away with my balls of wool.
and after all that there was the dreaded weaving in aghhhh. Some of it I had weaved in as I went along; holding the loose strand in place under the wool I was using but I only did this if the colour I was using matched the colour I was trying to weave in. Most of the time this wasn't possible and so I had to weave in after by going back and forth through the matching colours. I do not like my loose strands under a different colour in case they are visible and going through after with a needle 3 times means the strands would definitely never loosen.
And ta-da
A completed blanket measuring 26 inches wide and 31 inches high
I am pleased with the finished blanket but I'm in no rush to work with chunky again as it hurts my wrist and arm a little to much. It maybe that I did the project with a 5mm hook which made the stitches a bit stiffer to work with but it will definitely keep Pennie warm. Thinking of a Christmas one next.
Oh one more thing...can you tell what's different from the graph to the actual finished project:
I decided I wanted the writing more centred so recounted as I went along. I'll have to redo it one day and post it.
Happy Halloween xxx